dimecres, 30 de març del 2011


List the moments in the game.
-He went to the information desk.
-He went up to the first floor, to the duty-free shop area.
-He went in the shop and ask for a person who can help him.
-He went to the passport control and he soldiers.
-He went back to the duty-free shop are a and tried to find the janitor.
-He found the janitor. He gave hin information and they hear on attack.
-They went back to the passport control and found the soldiers dead they took a walkie- talkie and entered to the ventilation tube.


-Al principi contacto amb al janitor.
-Em diu per on tinc d'anar, per la dreta o per l'esquerra.
-Més endavant arribo a un lloc on estan unes persones que parlen, veig la meva germana.
-Deprés em diu que continui per le tub de ventilació.
-Quan vaig arribar a la tenda no tenia diners per comprar una llança, i vaig tornar a sortir per cambiar el chec per diners al banc.
-Després vaig tornar el despatx del doctor per agafar les claus, amb va trucar el janitor, ell em va dir que quan agafès les claus hauria d'anar a comprar el vestit  blanc del doctor.